Category Archives: Workshop

2015 Podcasting Faculty Development Program at BCC

Podcast-Consumption_Page_44-e1421690555678This year (2015) Podcasting Faculty Development Program just wrapped up, and once again it saw the participation of many instructors from various disciplines: History, Biology, Sociology and English. Since I am on sabbatical my colleague and co-coodinator of the program, Dr. Moronke Oshin-Martin, lead the entire workshop with great success. She told me that faculty feel very excited when they come to the training since they will be able to “enhance their teaching and student learning”. BCC is proud to be one of the few campus across the US where this kind of training takes place. We are proud to contribute to the revival that podcasts have seen in the last two years. In fact, according to the online magazine” Maximize social business”, “46 million Americans over the age of 12 now listen to podcasts on a monthly basis. That’s 17% of the 12+ US population, up from 12% in 2013.” In general, podcasts listeners tend to have college degrees (24%) compared to the 10% of those who listen to podcast every week without a college degree, according to the magazine.




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Office of Instructional Technology (OIT) Workshops


BRONX COMMUNITY COLLEGE/Office of Instructional Technology (OIT) Workshops for the Week of March 7th*To attend Blackboard workshops, participants must have working BCC email and CUNY Portal accounts. If you don’t have a Portal account go to ( and register. 



Date:  Monday, March 7

Title: Blackboard Level 2
Location: Virtual online session (Login instructions will be emailed to participants)

Time: 12-1:30 pm

Instructor: Albert Robinson


Description: This workshop covers selected advanced features of Blackboard.

Topics will include: adding tests to a content area, exploring the Grade Center, setting up the Grade Center to suit instructional needs, customizing display and grading options, and grading test and assignment submissions.


If you would like to attend this workshop, please register online at


Date: Tuesday, March 8 

Title: Introduction to ePortfolios 

Location: Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) Philosophy Hall  

Time: 3-5 pm

Instructors: Albert Robinson


Description: Electronic Portfolios, or ePortfolios, allow students and faculty to collect and display their work in multiple forms to multiple audiences. This workshop will introduce participants to BCC’s ePortfolio software platform, and will review the advantages of bringing ePortfolios into courses and programs. All participants will receive an account on the ePortfolio system. 


If you would like to attend this workshop, please register online at                  


Date: Wednesday, March 9

Title: Webex
Location: Virtual online session (Login instructions will be emailed to participants)

Time: 12-1:30 pm

Instructor: Albert Robinson


Description: What is Webex?  Webex combines real-time desktop sharing with phone conferencing so everyone sees the same thing while you talk. It’s far more productive than emailing files and struggling to get everyone on the same page over the phone. Meeting can also be recorded and shared with colleagues.


What can Webex be used for? Virtual Meetings and Small Group training sessions (25 participants max)


If you would like to attend this workshop, please register online at


Date: Thursday, March 10

Title: Increasing Collaboration and Interactivity in your Online Class

Location: Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) Philosophy Hall

Time: 12-2 pm

Instructor: Giulia Guarnieri


Description: A key goal is to increase interactivity. This workshop will allow you to determine the degree of collaborative activities present in your course and will provide resources and strategies on how to create successful interactions between students, course content and instruction.


If you would like to attend this workshop, please register online at


To see the full list of all the workshops, go to


If you have any questions about the OIT workshops, please contact Albert Robinson at: [email protected] or 718-289-5100 ext 3063


Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm

FAQs – Faculty/Staff  

FAQs – Students  

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