To Screencast or not to Screencast ?

I have been looking for some screencasts programs to use for my upcoming summer workshop. Screencast are useful for tutorials, for illustrating powerpoints presentations, to explain a concept or document, for making short presentations, etc. It can also assist the instructor to add additional learning materials and extend the class time beyond the confines of the classroom. There are many tools one can use, like Jing, Camtasia, Screenr, Wink, ScreenJelly, etc. I want to share with the community a wikipedia site that compares all software for screencasts, from free to commercial ones. 

I tried a couple of these programs some are good, some are OK, some… not so useful.  These are the main problems I discovered: 1) once you record your screencast the time to upload the file into a server (also youtube) is infinite, it takes twice as much to upload it than to record it.  2) Some of the software lasts a very short time (the free versions) and records for only 5 minutes — in the case of Jing — and 3 minutes for ScreenJelly. 3) The other limit is that you can’t edit the sound, so if the phone rings after 10 min into your project you have to start all over !

I found a WIKI resource page for screencast, I hope you will find it useful enough to want to try some of these programs.

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The Italian Unification and TV ads

The Italian TV produced several TV ads in celebration of the 150 year since the Italian Unification (1861-2011), The first one revolves, of course, around soccer –one of the few unifying elements — that makes all Italians feel like one (the music underneath is of the Italian National Anthem). Happy Birthday Italy !

The other ads displayed in the clip below show all of the richness of the Italian dialects which are still being spoken throughout Italy today.  The ads make fun of the fact that if we still spoke to each other using the languages spoken 150 years ago we would not be able to understand a single word ! My dialect is not represented in the ad (Emilia Romagna), and therefore I do not understand anything of what people are saying here ! (just like the people in the ad) Not a word. “If we were still living 150 years ago we would all still speak like this…” the ad says at the end. EH?

Check out the ads no need to speak Italian.

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The Added Value of Teaching with Technology

In the last 10 days I participated at two technology conferences. One was about ePortfolios (AAEEBL) and one was about blended learning (Sloan C). At the first presentation I went with a colleague of mine, Dr. Kate Culkin. Both she and I presented separate powerpoint presentations in which we discussed how we were able to successfully integrate podcasting in teaching history and foreign languages. We both addressed the added value or using ePortfolios & Podcasting in our respective classes and how this has improved students’ learning. Dr. Culkin’s presentation argued how significant the use of podcasting has been in making students feel and act like public historians. Moreover, the other important point emphasized is that students were allowed to reflect about who acquires the right to talk about history and who is allowed to write it. Podcasts were presented which showed how the activities assigned to students allowed them to think in depth about the historical process.

My presentation discussed how valuable podcasting production is for foreign language teaching, in terms of improving oral and aural proficiencies. Furthermore, I provided concrete evidence of how the learning objectives, as well as the Gen Edu objectives, are aligned with the technology used. I showed the work of my students discussing topics that range from slow food vs fast food, personal narratives, recipes,  etc. The AAEEBL provides a resource page with some of the presentation offered at the conference, if interested; you can consult their website,

What are in conclusion the added values of ePortfolio & Podcasting?

  • Learn how to communicate in public about educational content
  • Keep track of progress overtime (ePortfolio does not go away, unlike Blackboard)
  • Be able to share information, knowledge with a community of learners
  • Decentralize learning which no longer comes exclusively from the teacher
  • Share resources among other sections of the same class.
  • Increase interest for subject matter: students are more willing to do the assignments if the class is more engaging.


At the Eporfolio conference we learned what other colleagues are doing and how ePortfolios can be used, from language placement (having high schools produce language artifacts as evidence of proficiencies), to open source ePorfolios such as WordPress and Mahara. We also learned about instruments and analytics used for assessment such as Pearson LearningStudio’s ePortfolio.

At the 8th Annual Sloan-C conference I met several people who are interested in making a difference in students’ education and listened to a very thought-provoking presentation from the keynote speaker, Josh Jarret (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) at the plenary address. Just as an aside — there were aspects about Jarret’s presentation that made me jump out from my chair. No one dares to address the fact that all of us (especially the top 1% of the richest people in America) should start to think about paying more taxes to fund public education (like Canada and Europe) if you want public universities and schools to be affordable for students. This is another topic for another day, but I believe that this is a big issue in the United States that no one wants to address. The panel which I enjoyed the most was “Social Media to Facilitate Community Building Engagement”. I reported some of the ideas we could implement to the director of OIT, since our college is moving along a proposal for an online degree. I take away the idea of how to better integrate social media (Facebook and Twitter) in the classroom and consult more often the following resources: Teacher youtube channel, TED/ED, Edu-Tastic which I gladly share with the CUNY Commons Community. I learned that you can send tweets as a text message, publish photos and use podcasting ,etc. Check it out,

The principal philosophy about using technology in the classroom is that pedagogy should drive the technology and not vice-versa. I heard Dr. Picciano drive home this point at the conference in Chicago during one of the plenary sessions. This type of conceptual rationale is somewhat lacking and it should be more visible in technology-based panels — ideally it should become the starting point of such conversations. Most of the social media session I attended did not sufficiently address this issue in detail, perhaps since the people speaking were not faculty members but for the most part administrators. I would like to offer some good reading on this topic to gain some perspective on this important issue, article I “Pedagogy-Based Technology Training” and article II, “At the Intersection of Technology and Pedagogy: Considering Styles of Learning and Teaching”, I look forward to more conferences. A presto ! Ciao!

Photo — Caravaggio (1571 – 1610) Bacchus.

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Podcasting 360

Podcasting and Foreign Languages is a marriage made in heaven. The reasons are easy to understand and assess. All the resources below are applicable to any discipline.

Class Pedagogy and Methodology

The current methodology calls for the target language (L2) to be spoken at all times to allow students to learn the language inductively, through repetitions and drills.

Challenge: time constraints, the class only meets twice a week and it doesn’t allow for a consistent exposure to the language.

The Solution: create a series of podcasts to extend the exposure of the language 24/7. Students can listen and review on their own time and maximize language exposure. Podcasts also create motivation and interest for subject.

The implementation: I created for all of the Italian sections at BCC a podcasting hosting site through  the ePortfolio digication platform. I sent the link to all of the part-time instructors that teach Italian at my college, for a total of 14 sections per semester (SP 11)

Advantage: it allows me to share all of my work with all students who take Italian, not just the ones that take my sections.

Organization of site: rationale for general assessment:

Criteria for podcasting evaluation,

Italian language podcasts available on the web: from youtube to teachertube and Vimeo, etc.

Division of podcasts for level (Italian 11 and 12). A combination of audio, video and tutorials. You can see some examples on my eportfolio.

Software to create podcasts, and screencasts that I currently use and that are fee on the web are. These are my recommendation based on personal use:

Jing – allows for storage and to share and embed links, but you can only record  for a total of 5 minutes

Sketchcast:an easy tool that you and your students can use. It is not so intuitive to use at first, ok quality of the podcasts produced. A good starting tool.  

Audacity: free, easy to use, high quality recording, only small problem you have be download a separate file and embed it into the program to create mp3 files.

Camstudio: produces good quality video podcasts, but if you make a mistake you have to do the whole things over. Does not allow you to edit the audio.

Windows MovieMaker: good quality videos with narration, you can record directly within the program, but if you want to transform ppp presentations into a movie you first have to take a photo of each slide. Only allows for one track for sound.

Show Beyond: a nice way to add narrations to your photos or documents. Very good quality, you can also add captions and audio to each photo. Perfect tool to allow students to create their own podcasts.

Photo: Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1527-1593), Vertumnus, a portrait of Rudolf II.

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Podcasting Workshop March 16

Date: Wednesday, March 16 Title:

 The Pedagogy of Podcasting: Building Stronger Connections Location: New Hall Room 23 Time: 4-5:50 pm Instructor: Giulia Guarnieri Description: This workshop will provide insight into the pedagogy of podcasts, (audio/video/screencasts), and will help you successfully plan for integration into your courses. You will also learn how podcasting is being used by other BCC colleagues. A portion of the workshop will be dedicated to discussion and questions about best pedagogical strategies. No prerequisite. No previous experience with podcasting is required.


A. Modigliani – Jeanne Hebuterne in a Yellow Sweater (1918-19)

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Office of Instructional Technology (OIT) Workshops


BRONX COMMUNITY COLLEGE/Office of Instructional Technology (OIT) Workshops for the Week of March 7th*To attend Blackboard workshops, participants must have working BCC email and CUNY Portal accounts. If you don’t have a Portal account go to ( and register. 



Date:  Monday, March 7

Title: Blackboard Level 2
Location: Virtual online session (Login instructions will be emailed to participants)

Time: 12-1:30 pm

Instructor: Albert Robinson


Description: This workshop covers selected advanced features of Blackboard.

Topics will include: adding tests to a content area, exploring the Grade Center, setting up the Grade Center to suit instructional needs, customizing display and grading options, and grading test and assignment submissions.


If you would like to attend this workshop, please register online at


Date: Tuesday, March 8 

Title: Introduction to ePortfolios 

Location: Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) Philosophy Hall  

Time: 3-5 pm

Instructors: Albert Robinson


Description: Electronic Portfolios, or ePortfolios, allow students and faculty to collect and display their work in multiple forms to multiple audiences. This workshop will introduce participants to BCC’s ePortfolio software platform, and will review the advantages of bringing ePortfolios into courses and programs. All participants will receive an account on the ePortfolio system. 


If you would like to attend this workshop, please register online at                  


Date: Wednesday, March 9

Title: Webex
Location: Virtual online session (Login instructions will be emailed to participants)

Time: 12-1:30 pm

Instructor: Albert Robinson


Description: What is Webex?  Webex combines real-time desktop sharing with phone conferencing so everyone sees the same thing while you talk. It’s far more productive than emailing files and struggling to get everyone on the same page over the phone. Meeting can also be recorded and shared with colleagues.


What can Webex be used for? Virtual Meetings and Small Group training sessions (25 participants max)


If you would like to attend this workshop, please register online at


Date: Thursday, March 10

Title: Increasing Collaboration and Interactivity in your Online Class

Location: Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) Philosophy Hall

Time: 12-2 pm

Instructor: Giulia Guarnieri


Description: A key goal is to increase interactivity. This workshop will allow you to determine the degree of collaborative activities present in your course and will provide resources and strategies on how to create successful interactions between students, course content and instruction.


If you would like to attend this workshop, please register online at


To see the full list of all the workshops, go to


If you have any questions about the OIT workshops, please contact Albert Robinson at: [email protected] or 718-289-5100 ext 3063


Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm

FAQs – Faculty/Staff  

FAQs – Students  

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The “P-Word”: Yes Thanks !

I would like to offer my opinion on the recent blog entitled the “P-Word” which I found on the Commons. The desire to discuss my personal take on pedagogy comes from different sources mainly the type of subject I teach, foreign languages, in which methodology plays a central role. Secondly, the fact that I manage a blog called “pedagogy and podcasting” (two P-words!) and I conduct at my college workshops on pedagogy. With the word pedagogy we generally refer to the study of what it means to be an educator and the focus on the methods used for teaching. Foreign languages, for example, must be taught using some type of (possibly current) methodology otherwise the students learning outcomes will be severely impacted. When a faculty is observed, teaching is evaluated not on the fact that he/she speaks the language fluently, but most importantly that he/she knows how to teach it. For example, just because you are a native speaker of a certain language doesn’t necessarily mean you can teach it to others. Some of the things we look for are: Is the target language spoken at all times? Is it a student-centered classroom? Are drills, repetitions, or communicative strategies part of the methodology used? In the 1800, foreign languages were taught using the so called translation method then new approaches were introduced such as the audio-lingual method, the oral approach, the communicative approach, language immersion method, the Natural Approach, and Total Physical Response –just to name a few.

The importance to have a grasp of current teaching methodologies in my field is also proven by the fact that during job interviews potential candidates are usually asked to teach a language class (I had to do this several times during the job hunting process). The reality is that CUNY is mostly a teaching institution, (the course load provides support for this assertion), even though research and service also play a big part in tenure’s expectations. Apart from rare cases, I do not see many opportunities to share teaching tips and tools among colleagues. For the most part the focus seems to be on content but not so much on the how that content is being delivered. What strategies are used to maximize the learning of that specific subject? What are students actually learning? This, of course, took me a while to conceptualize but I do ask myself the following question: “How do I know what students are actually learning?” all of these questions offer a sort of explanation to the “art of teaching”, or good use of classroom time — you can call it pedagogy or methodology. If we go back to the origin of the word education, from the Latin ‘educere’, it meant to nurture, to preserve, to grow, to instruct and to provide, but it also meant to train and to raise.  Pedagogy — in Greek pais/paidòs — means son, youngster and the verb ago translates to the word to conduct. From all of these definitions, the concept that emerges seems to indicate that education means to “get something” out of someone. In the 19thcentury, pedagogy was equated to an applied science, as a discipline with scientific methods and processes, it was no longer seen as purely metaphysical knowledge but it became a critical discipline that studied how knowledge is learned.

Nowadays we are more concerned with establishing parameters, assessment, individualizing objectives and learning goals: in other words students should all reach in the end the same results. Has this evolution of parameters lead to an improved quality of learning? This is the 100 million dollar question ! The point is that we need to have these discussions and exchanges more often. In the blog I also read that the most important things are learned outside of class, I do not dispute that, and I don’t know if this is always the case, but as an educator I am concerned of what happens inside the classroom.  Perhaps if the teaching is successful the rest, the life’s lessons, happens by osmosis. I would like to advocate that CUNY’s graduate programs develop specific courses that place methodology at the center, or at least, make it  a part of graduate students’ professional preparation. When I ask my colleagues who teach history, biology or art about their pedagogical training, they tell me that this was never part of their graduate academic journey. I think that this is a big gap of graduate education and that the current job market reality is not reflected in the preparation of language instructors, at least this is what I see in my field. The chances that a graduate student will end up teaching literature courses in a research institution are very slim, this means that language teaching will become the bread and butter of someone’s teaching profession. We simply do not prepare our professionals for this reality and we do a disservice to them and to students. I thank you dear colleague for sharing your thoughts with us, and for bringing to light  the P-word, which is not a bad word, or a strange senseless word, but a word that needs to be brought out of the cave and taken to the floor for discussion. I hope that your blog will make people want to know more about the art of teaching, and I believe it has.  I think that the pedagogical challenges faced by FLs  can be applied also to other disciplines. I would like close with this quote “The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.” [Mark Van Doren]

 Carlo Maratti, (1625-1713) ” The Virgin teaching the infant Christ how to read”

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Podcasting Principles

You can check out the powerpoint on podcasting made into a screencast with Jing (free screenscast software) which provides an overview of what podcasting is and what it entails: from software to pedagogy.

Podcasting_ppp – SuperG’s library

*Jing allows you to make quality screencasts and store them into its server and share them with your friends. The drawback to the free version is that there is a 5 minute limit on the length of the screecasts. The pro version allows you to record for more time, but you have to pay. An easy solution is to consider making shorter presentations.

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Conference June 3rd, 2011 Montclair State University

An interesting conference on the pedagogy of online teaching and technology integration.

These are some of the keynotes speakers

Keynote Speaker Sarah Robbins
“Pedagogy First, Technology Second: How to Choose the Right Tool for the Job”

 Craig Kapp
“Visualizing the Future: How Augmented Reality can empower faculty, inspire students and bring ideas to life in the classroom”

  Jonathon Richter
“Emerging Strategic Innovations in Educational Leadership: Future-Focused & Grounded in the Cloud”

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